That idea was quickly erased when I found out that Brinkley had failed his car seat test and would have to be retested a few days later. More waiting! Six weeks had already begun to feel like an eternity and this set back made me wonder if this was all a cruel joke. (You would think that I had this waiting business down after waiting nearly three years to complete Reese's adoption.)
Sunday night Bryan and I settled in Brinkley's hospital room for our overnight observation. Because of some issues that he had during the day he was hooked up to a special monitor for an overnight test. That obnoxious monitor going off all night and the poor little guy crying most of the night left Mom and Dad with no sleep! We anxiously waited for 10 am to come around so that the monitor would be disconnected. That didn't happen and we waited until a little after noon.
The car seat test was scheduled to be redone on Monday, but I waited and waited and they never came. No going home on Monday, but I was certain that Tuesday would be the day. Tuesday morning rolled around and so did more waiting. I waited until lunch time for Brinkley to finally be retested in the car seat. That lasted an hour and then I was told that it would take an hour to get the report and then a Dr would have to read the report. I knew that the report was not going to be good and wondered what this would mean. After a few more hours of waiting a Dr finally came to confirm my suspicions. Brinkley had failed again! We would need to get a car bed to take him home in. The Dr didn't want to send us home quickly with something we had never dealt with so we would be waiting yet again.
Around 5pm Ms Charlotte returned with the paperwork and we loaded Brinkley onto the cart for our trip down the elevator! To our surprise, our wait was not over. We had quite a time getting the car bed installed and probably spent an hour in the loading zone at the hospital. It was nearly 6:30pm before I pulled out of the hospital. About 20 minutes later we made it home! Walking through that door with my little champ certainly was a moment that made all that waiting worthwhile!
Ms Charlotte helping us getting Brinkley loaded up |